Cthulhu Stealer Exposed: How It Targets Mac Users

In recent years, Mac users have increasingly become targets for cybercriminals. The perception that MacOS is inherently secure has led to a false sense of security among users, making them prime targets for sophisticated malware attacks. One such threat is the Cthulhu Stealer malware, part of a growing trend of info stealers targeting macOS devices.

Understanding Cthulhu Stealer

Cthulhu Stealer is malware that sneaks into macOS systems to steal sensitive info. It’s part of a growing threat group called infostealers. These threats have become more common in 2023. Other threats include MacStealer, Pureland, Atomic Stealer, and RealStealer.

These threats often pretend to be real apps or files. They might be disguised as business documents or software updates. When a user opens these files, the malware starts its harmful work.

Cthulhu Stealer is a malware-as-a-service (MaaS) for macOS users. This means cybercriminals can rent it for a monthly fee. This makes it easy for anyone to use without needing tech skills. Cthulhu Stealer was available for $500 a month, showing how easy it is for attackers to use.

Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) Model

The MaaS model is popular among cybercriminals because it’s easy to use. It lets attackers focus on spreading malware and getting data without knowing how it works. This model also helps malware developers keep their products up-to-date and appealing.

Cthulhu Stealer pretends to be an app like CleanMyMac, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Adobe GenP. It asks for sensitive information like passwords and MetaMask credentials and sends it to a server controlled by the attackers. Malware can steal many data types, including cryptocurrency wallets and browser cookies.

How Threat Actors Target Mac Users

Cybercriminals use different ways to get malware to Mac users:

1. Social Engineering: They might pretend to be potential clients or partners. They send emails with fake attachments that look like business documents. This trick works well on business users who don’t suspect anything.

2. Malvertising: Fake ads can lead users to dangerous websites. These ads often pop up on real websites, making users download malware.

3. Free Content Lures: Many download free software or media, not knowing it might be malware. Fake apps or media can hide malware.

4. Cryptocurrency Targeting: Some malware targets cryptocurrency users, trying to steal wallet information and other financial details.

Reasons for Targeting Mac Users

There are several reasons why Mac users are targeted:

1. Security Perception: Many Mac users believe MacOS is more secure than competing operating systems like Windows. Apple’s marketing partly influences this belief and that there have historically been fewer virus instances on MacOS than on other platforms. Because of this, Mac users can be less security-aware, which makes them appealing targets for fraudsters.

2. Expanding Market Share: MacOS has been gaining ground on the latter despite being less popular than Windows. This expansion allows threat actors to take advantage of a less crowded industry. The number of potential victims increases with Mac users, making it profitable for hackers to create and distribute malware tailored to the operating system.

3. Vulnerabilities: Compared to the previous year, there was a notable increase in the number of macOS vulnerabilities exploited in 2023—more than 30% more. This increase implies that, even though the number of vulnerabilities has decreased, attackers are still discovering and taking advantage of more macOS flaws. This pattern suggests that macOS has become more appealing as a target for malicious activity.

4. Lucrative Targets: Professionals and business people are frequent Mac users whose devices may contain significant data. This includes wallets for cryptocurrencies, bank information, and sensitive company information—all fascinating to hackers. Since info stealers like Cthulhu Stealer are built to retrieve this information, they are a well-liked option for targeting Mac users.

5. Lack of Competition: There is a lot of malware on the Windows market, which makes it difficult for new threat actors to get traction. On the other hand, there is less competition in the macOS market, which presents a chance for cybercriminals to take advantage of this and create a presence in a rapidly expanding sector.

6. Complex Attack Vectors: Malicious actors utilize sophisticated methods to infect Mac users with malware. These include free content lures, which take advantage of people’s demand for free software and media downloads, and malvertising tactics, which utilize deceptive adverts to send visitors to harmful websites. These techniques successfully elude established security protocols and deceive people into downloading malicious software.

Protecting Against Mac Malware

Mac users need a robust security plan to protect them from threats like Cthulhu Stealer. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Enable the Firewall: Turn on your Mac’s firewall to block unwanted access. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall and toggle it on. This keeps your device safe from malicious traffic.

2. Enable Security Features: Use macOS’s built-in security tools, such as Gatekeeper, XProtect, and FileVault. Also, consider getting a third-party antivirus for extra protection.

3. Manage App Permissions: Control which apps can access your data and system features. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy to check and adjust app permissions. This helps stop malware from getting too much access.

4. Secure Your Network: Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet, especially on public Wi-Fi. This keeps your data safe from hackers.

5. Be Wary of Unsolicited Communications: Don’t open emails from unknown senders, especially those with attachments or links. Always check the sender’s identity before opening anything.

6. Avoid Free and Untrusted Downloads: Don’t download software from shady places. Always get apps from trusted sources like the Mac App Store.

7. Use Ad Blockers and Web Filters: These tools can block malvertising and other online dangers.

8. Regular Software Updates: Keep your operating system and apps updated to avoid known vulnerabilities.

9. Regularly Check for Unwanted Applications: Sometimes, malware comes with legitimate software. Check your apps often and remove any you don’t need or don’t recognize.

10. Disable Automatic File Opening: In Safari’s settings, turn off the option to automatically open “safe” files after downloading. This stops drive-by downloads from running without your permission.


As Mac users become more attractive to cybercriminals, it’s essential to understand and fight against malware like Cthulhu Stealer. You can protect your devices and personal info from these threats by staying informed and using strong security measures.

You may also find these articles interesting: Mac Malware and What Happens When You Connect to the Internet.

How to use netstat to identify rogue connections

Netstat is a command-line utility available on Windows operating systems that allows you to display information about network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, etc. You can use netstat -ano to see active network connections and their associated process IDs (PIDs), which can help you identify potential rogue connections to your machine.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to use netstat and the most common switches (-ano).

Step 1: Open Command Prompt

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type “cmd” and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.

Step 2: Run netstat -ano

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

netstat -ano

This command will display a list of active network connections and associated PIDs.

Step 3: Analyze the Output

The output of netstat -ano will have several columns:

  • Proto: Indicates the protocol used (e.g., TCP, UDP).
  • Local Address: Shows the local IP address and port.
  • Foreign Address: Displays the remote IP address and port.
  • State: Shows the state of the connection (e.g., ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT).
  • PID: Indicates the Process ID associated with the connection.

Here’s how to analyze the output:

  • Look for any unfamiliar or suspicious IP addresses in the “Foreign Address” column. These could potentially be rogue connections.
  • Check the “State” column to see if any connections are in unusual states (e.g., TIME_WAIT for a long time).
  • Identify the PID associated with each connection in the “PID” column. You can cross-reference this PID with the Task Manager to determine which process is responsible for the connection.

Step 4: Investigate Suspicious Connections

If you find any connections that you suspect are rogue or unwanted, take the following actions:

  1. Identify the Process: Use the PID from the “PID” column to locate the associated process in Task Manager. Right-click the Taskbar, select “Task Manager,” go to the “Details” tab, and find the process with the matching PID.
  2. Research the Process: If the process is unfamiliar or suspicious, research it online to determine if it’s legitimate or potential malware. Be cautious before terminating any processes.
  3. Terminate Suspicious Processes: If you’re certain that a process is malicious or unwanted, you can end the process in Task Manager by right-clicking the process and selecting “End Task.” However, exercise caution, as terminating critical system processes can cause system instability; know what you’re doing.
  4. Firewall and Antivirus: Ensure that you have a firewall and antivirus software installed and updated. They can help detect and block unwanted network connections and malware.

For more switches and details, visit Microsoft’s documentation on Netstat here. You may also like our article on detecting malware on your machine.

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