Maximizing VM Security: How to Navigate and Neutralize VM Escape and Sprawl

Keeping Virtual Machines Safe: Tackling VM Escape and Sprawl

Virtual machines (VMs) have revolutionized the IT industry, allowing organizations to optimize their infrastructures, achieve efficient resource allocation, and run multiple operating systems on a single physical machine. However, like all technology, VMs come with their own set of security and management challenges. Two of the most notable are VM escape and VM sprawl. This post will delve into these issues and provide strategies to counteract them.

Understanding VM Escape

VM escape is an attack where the malware breaches the virtual machine’s confines and attacks the host system. This can compromise not just one but all VMs running on that host. VM escape isn’t common but can be devastating when it occurs.

  • Strategies to Prevent VM Escape:
  • Patch and Update: Regularly update the hypervisor to patch known vulnerabilities.
  • Least Privilege Principle: Only give necessary permissions to VMs. Overprovisioning can expose VMs to unnecessary risks.
  • Isolate Sensitive VMs: Ensure that critical VMs run on separate hosts from less secure VMs.
  • Network Security: Implement proper firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems to monitor and block suspicious activities.

Addressing VM Sprawl

VM sprawl happens when the number of VMs in an environment grows unchecked, leading to inefficient resource use and increased complexity. It often arises from VMs being created quickly without proper lifecycle management.

  • Strategies to Prevent VM Sprawl:
  • Lifecycle Management: Implement a VM lifecycle management strategy. This means having clear policies for creating, using, and eventually decommissioning VMs.
  • Regular Audits: Regularly review and audit your VMs. Check for idle or underutilized VMs and either repurpose or decommission them.
  • Template-Based Provisioning: Use standardized templates for VM creation to ensure consistency and ease of management.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC to ensure only authorized individuals can create or modify VMs. This can reduce unplanned or unnecessary VM creation.
  • Educate and Train: Ensure team members understand the implications of VM sprawl and are trained in best practices.

Additional Safety Tips

  • Backup: Always back up your VMs. This ensures data integrity and availability in case of issues.
  • Monitor: Use tools that provide visibility into the health and performance of both VMs and host systems.
  • Network Security: Segment virtual networks, much like you would with physical networks, to limit potential malware spread and lateral movement.
  • Harden VMs: Just like physical systems, ensure VMs are hardened against attacks. This includes disabling unnecessary services, regular patching, and using strong authentication mechanisms.

While VMs offer numerous advantages, they aren’t without challenges. By understanding these challenges and proactively implementing strategies to address them, organizations can maximize the benefits of virtualization while minimizing potential pitfalls. Stay updated on the latest threats and best practices in VM security and management.

Learn more about securing your virtual machines (VMs) from the latest attacks at VMware. You may also find our blog post on pivoting into the cybersecurity field interesting.

Passkeys, the authentication wave of the future?

A passkey is a new way to log in to online accounts, services, and apps designed to be faster, easier to use, and more secure than passwords. Passkeys are based on public-key cryptography, the same technology used to secure HTTPS connections and online payments. Ready to go passwordless?

How to Use a Passkey

To use a passkey, you first need to create one. This can be done on your device, such as your phone or computer. Once you have created a passkey, you can log in to any website or app supporting passkeys.

To log in, you must select the passkey for the website or app you want to log in to and then authenticate with your device using a biometric sensor (such as your fingerprint or face) or a PIN.

Benefits of Using a Passkey

Passkeys offer several benefits over passwords, including:

  • Security: Passkeys are more secure than passwords because they are more difficult to hack or steal. Passkeys are also less susceptible to phishing attacks.
  • Convenience: Passkeys are easier to use than passwords because you don’t have to remember or type them in. You can authenticate with your device using a biometric sensor or PIN.
  • Privacy: Passkeys are more private than passwords because they don’t require you to share any personal information with the website or app you’re logging in to.

Future of Passkeys

Passkeys are a new technology that is quickly gaining adoption from major tech companies such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft. Passkeys are expected to become the standard way to log in to online accounts, services, and apps soon.

Benefits of using passkeys for future use

Passkeys offer several benefits for future use, including:

  • Reduced risk of fraud: Passkeys can help to reduce the risk of fraud, such as account takeovers and phishing attacks.
  • Improved user experience: Passkeys can improve the user experience by making it easier and faster to log in to online accounts, services, and apps.
  • Increased security: Passkeys can help improve the internet’s overall security by making it more difficult for attackers to access user accounts.

Overall, passkeys are a promising new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we log in to online accounts, services, and apps. Are you ready to go passwordless?

For additional info, read this blog post by Google. You may also be interested in our article about the padlock and HTTPs for secure sites.

How to keep your WordPress site from being hacked – WordPress security best practices

WordPress is a popular website content creator and platform. Still, it takes work to make it secure, partly by keeping it updated and applying security tools like Wordfence. If properly maintained, it can avoid becoming vulnerable to various threats. Here’s a list of dangers associated with outdated WordPress sites and WordPress security best practices to remediate them.

Dangers of Outdated WordPress Sites:

  • Vulnerabilities in Core Software:
    • Outdated WordPress core files may contain known vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.
  • Plugin & Theme Vulnerabilities:
    • Older plugins and themes can have unpatched vulnerabilities.
  • Malware Infections:
    • Outdated sites can be more easily compromised, leading to malware infections that can deface your site, steal data, or distribute malware to visitors.
  • DDoS Attacks:
    • Vulnerabilities can be exploited to turn your site into a bot in a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack.
  • SEO Spam:
    • Hackers can inject spammy content or links, harming your SEO ranking.
  • Data Theft:
    • Personal data, user information, and other sensitive data can be accessed and stolen.
  • Phishing:
    • Your site can be used to host phishing pages without your knowledge.
  • Loss of Reputation:
    • If users or customers discover your site is compromised, it can severely damage your brand’s reputation.
  • Financial Costs:
    • Cleaning a hacked website can be expensive, especially if you have to hire experts.
  • Data Loss:
    • Critical data can be deleted or held for ransom.

Strategies to Keep WordPress Sites Safe:

  • Regular Updates:
    • Always update the WordPress core, plugins, and themes to the latest versions. This is a key WordPress security best practice.
  • Use Trusted Plugins and Themes:
    • Only install plugins and themes from reputable sources. Check reviews, update frequency, and remove the ones that are end-of-life or no longer supported by the developer or publisher.
  • Implement Strong Authentication:
    • Use strong, unique passwords and always enable MFA (multi-factor authentication or 2FA (two-factor authentication) for additional security.
  • Daily Backups:
    • Use plugins or services that provide daily backups of your site. Ensure backups are stored off-site and are easily restorable.
  • Security Plugins:
    • For additional protection, utilize security plugins like Wordfence, Sucuri Security, or iThemes Security, preferably the pro version that applies malware signatures and updates immediately versus once a month (i.e., Wordfence). This is a critical WordPress security best practice.
  • Limit User Access:
    • Assign appropriate roles and permissions. Not everyone needs administrative access.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF):
    • Use a cloud-based WAF like Cloudflare or Sucuri to filter malicious traffic.
  • Secure Hosting:
    • Choose a reputable web host that emphasizes security and provides isolated site environments.
  • SSL Encryption:
    • Implement an SSL certificate to encrypt data between the server and browser.
  • Regular Security Audits:
    • Conduct periodic security scans and assessments.
  • Disable Directory Listing:
    • Prevent hackers from viewing the contents of directories.
  • Implement Logging:
    • Keep an audit log of site activity to monitor suspicious behavior.
  • Disable XML-RPC:
    • If not needed, disable XML-RPC to prevent DDoS attacks and unauthorized access.
  • Implement CAPTCHAs:
    • Use CAPTCHAs to prevent bots from submitting forms or accessing login pages.
  • Stay Informed:
    • Join WordPress forums, communities, or news portals to stay updated on the latest threats and security practices.

By adhering to these WordPress security best practices and maintaining a proactive approach to web and application security, you can significantly reduce the risk of your WordPress site being compromised.

You may also be interested in how to tell if you’re computer has been compromised and how to recover from a social media scam. Learn more about Wordfence for WordPress Security.

Top 10 Social Engineering Attacks and How to Avoid Them

The Human Aspect of Cybersecurity: Social Engineering

Despite the constant advancement of technology protections, human psychology continues to be a constant and susceptible target in the field of cybersecurity. This weakness is exploited by social engineering, which uses human behavior manipulation rather than digital code cracking to gain unauthorized access to systems, data, or physical areas. Social engineers expertly trick people into disclosing private information or taking particular activities using strategies that prey on emotions, trust, and curiosity. Understanding the subtleties of social engineering is increasingly important as the digital era develops, underscoring the crucial significance of awareness and education in protecting people and businesses. Here are our Top 10 Social Engineering Attacks.

Top 10 Social Engineering Attacks


  • Description: Attackers send fraudulent emails appearing to be from legitimate sources to get individuals to reveal sensitive information.
  • Avoidance: Verify email addresses, especially for unexpected messages. Don’t click on suspicious links. Use email filters.

Spear Phishing:

  • Description: A more targeted version of phishing where specific individuals or organizations are attacked.
  • Avoidance: Regularly update and patch systems. Train employees to recognize such attempts.

Vishing (Voice Phishing):

  • Description: Fraudulent phone calls where scammers pretend to be from trusted organizations to gather sensitive data.
  • Avoidance: Don’t give out personal information over the phone unless you initiate the call. Verify unexpected callers by hanging up and calling back through an official number.


  • Description: Attackers lure victims with the promise of goods to steal information or infect systems.
  • Avoidance: Be skeptical of too-good-to-be-true offers. Download software or content only from trusted sources.


  • Description: An attacker seeks entry to a restricted area without proper authentication by following someone with authorized access.
  • Avoidance: Ensure physical security measures. Don’t let strangers in without verification.


  • Description: Attackers fabricate situations to steal victims’ personal information.
  • Avoidance: Be wary of unsolicited communications. Verify identities before sharing any information.

Quizzes and Surveys:

  • Description: Scammers use fun quizzes or surveys to gather personal information.
  • Avoidance: Don’t participate in random online quizzes, especially those asking personal or security questions.


  • Description: Attackers infect websites frequented by a targeted group.
  • Avoidance: Keep software and browsers updated. Use security software that can detect malicious websites.


  • Description: Fraudulent claims about malware infections to scare users into installing malicious software.
  • Avoidance: Don’t panic when faced with such alerts. Verify through trusted security software.


  • Description: Attackers use an individual (real or fake persona) to form a relationship with the target to gather information.
  • Avoidance: Be cautious with strangers online, especially if they’re overly interested in sensitive or work-related topics.

General Prevention Tips:

  1. Regularly educate and train employees about social engineering tactics.
  2. Maintain up-to-date security software.
  3. Encourage skepticism and verification in all communications.
  4. Use multi-factor authentication for accounts.


While we arm our systems with the newest technology defenses in the ever-expanding digital frontier, it’s critical to remember that the human element still represents the most vulnerable point of entry. The important relationship between psychology and cybersecurity is highlighted by social engineering, which serves as a reminder that not all dangerous threats are coded but rather are intended to persuade. Fostering awareness, alertness, and ongoing education against these deceptive methods becomes prudent and essential as we continue to navigate an interconnected world. After all, information is undoubtedly our best weapon in the fight against social engineering.

You may also find this article and video by the FBI interesting. Also, our article on recovering from a social media scam may be helpful.

How to know if you have a malware infection?

Malware poses a threat to all of us. It’s important to note, though, that malware must be executed, or to put it another way, run, to carry out its destructive objective, whether to steal your information or harm your system. This straightforward reality is a double-edged sword since it allows malware to cause harm and opens up a window for its detection and elimination.

Malware Cannot Always Remain Hidden, Not Even In Memory.

In contrast to writing to disk, several sophisticated malware strains are built to run solely in system memory. This “in-memory” method is frequently employed to get around typical antivirus and antimalware programs that examine disk data. Malware isn’t necessarily invisible merely because it’s not present on the disk.

Since the virus must be executed to carry out its intended job, it will suck up system resources, leave a trail in system logs, or trigger observable network activity. These dangers can be discovered with the aid of instruments like memory forensics.

Symptoms of a Malware Infection

Even while malware frequently strives to remain undetectable, it frequently leaves some traces behind. The following are some warning indicators that your computer may be infected:

  1. Sluggish Performance: Malware can occasionally be blamed for a sudden slowdown in your computer’s performance by utilizing system resources.
  2. Unwanted Pop-ups and Advertising: If you see pop-ups and advertising that you didn’t previously see, especially those that urge you to click on dubious links or advertise antivirus software, it could be adware or another type of malware.
  3. Unusual Network Activity: Data use spikes or mysterious network traffic may indicate that malware sends or receives data to or from your device.
  4. Security software turned off: In an effort to defend themselves, certain malware can turn off your firewall or antivirus program.
  5. Unusual Files and Apps: If you discover new files or applications that you didn’t install, this may be a symptom of an infection.
  6. Frequent system crashes or the “blue screen of death” can be a sign, albeit they are not just caused by malware.

Getting Rid of a Malware Infection

Here’s what to do if you believe you have a malware infection:

  1. Your machine should start up in Safe Mode. This will prevent most viruses from starting by starting your computer with a minimal set of drivers and services.
  • Update and Scan: Run a comprehensive system scan and update your antivirus and antimalware software.
  • Use Specialized Tools: Some malware is able to bypass traditional antivirus programs. Specialized malware eradication programs can be useful in these situations.
  • Backup and Clean Install: You might need to perform a backup of your important information and a clean installation of your operating system if the infection is serious.
  • Change Passwords: After eliminating spyware, particularly that intended to steal personal information, change all of your passwords.
  • Stay Current: Update your operating system and software frequently. Numerous malware variants take advantage of well-known flaws in out-of-date software.

Malware is a serious threat, but the fact that it must be allowed to function (run) gives us a considerable edge in terms of identification and mitigation. Always be on guard, keep your software up-to-date, and be wary of what you download and open. Your safety online depends on it.

You may find our article on using Netstat to detect rogue connections interesting, read it HERE.
Additionally, here’s what Microsoft says on removing malware.

How to use netstat to identify rogue connections

Netstat is a command-line utility available on Windows operating systems that allows you to display information about network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, etc. You can use netstat -ano to see active network connections and their associated process IDs (PIDs), which can help you identify potential rogue connections to your machine.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to use netstat and the most common switches (-ano).

Step 1: Open Command Prompt

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type “cmd” and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.

Step 2: Run netstat -ano

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

netstat -ano

This command will display a list of active network connections and associated PIDs.

Step 3: Analyze the Output

The output of netstat -ano will have several columns:

  • Proto: Indicates the protocol used (e.g., TCP, UDP).
  • Local Address: Shows the local IP address and port.
  • Foreign Address: Displays the remote IP address and port.
  • State: Shows the state of the connection (e.g., ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT).
  • PID: Indicates the Process ID associated with the connection.

Here’s how to analyze the output:

  • Look for any unfamiliar or suspicious IP addresses in the “Foreign Address” column. These could potentially be rogue connections.
  • Check the “State” column to see if any connections are in unusual states (e.g., TIME_WAIT for a long time).
  • Identify the PID associated with each connection in the “PID” column. You can cross-reference this PID with the Task Manager to determine which process is responsible for the connection.

Step 4: Investigate Suspicious Connections

If you find any connections that you suspect are rogue or unwanted, take the following actions:

  1. Identify the Process: Use the PID from the “PID” column to locate the associated process in Task Manager. Right-click the Taskbar, select “Task Manager,” go to the “Details” tab, and find the process with the matching PID.
  2. Research the Process: If the process is unfamiliar or suspicious, research it online to determine if it’s legitimate or potential malware. Be cautious before terminating any processes.
  3. Terminate Suspicious Processes: If you’re certain that a process is malicious or unwanted, you can end the process in Task Manager by right-clicking the process and selecting “End Task.” However, exercise caution, as terminating critical system processes can cause system instability; know what you’re doing.
  4. Firewall and Antivirus: Ensure that you have a firewall and antivirus software installed and updated. They can help detect and block unwanted network connections and malware.

For more switches and details, visit Microsoft’s documentation on Netstat here. You may also like our article on detecting malware on your machine.

How to manage all your family’s questions for technical help

Are you the technical resource in your family and fielder of all mobile device, desktop/laptop, and smart TV questions? If so, we feel for you. Here are some coping tips.

  • Set Boundaries:
    • Establish clear boundaries about when and how you can assist with technical questions.
    • Let them know your availability and preferred communication channels.
  • Educate and Empower:
    • Encourage them to learn and solve problems independently.
    • Share resources like tutorials, websites, or books where they can find answers.
  • Prioritize and Schedule:
    • Prioritize their questions based on urgency and importance.
    • Schedule specific times for tech support to avoid interruptions.
  • Offer Remote Assistance:
    • Use remote desktop tools or screen-sharing apps to troubleshoot issues remotely when possible.
  • Document Solutions:
    • Keep a record of common problems and solutions.
    • Share this documentation for them to refer to in the future.
  • Recommend Online Communities:
    • Suggest online forums or communities where they can seek help from a broader audience of experts.
  • Teach Problem-Solving:
    • Guide them through the process of problem-solving, emphasizing critical thinking and research skills.
  • Be Patient and Understanding:
    • Understand that not everyone has the same level of technical knowledge.
    • Be patient, empathetic, and non-judgmental in your responses.
  • Encourage Self-Help Resources:
    • Point them to self-help resources within the software or device they’re using.
    • Explain how to access help documentation or customer support for specific products.
  • Delegate to Experts:
    • If a question is outside your expertise, seek help from specialized professionals.
  • Consider Tech-Free Zones:
    • Establish tech-free zones or times during family gatherings to enjoy quality time without technical distractions.
  • Suggest Classes or Workshops:
    • Recommend local classes or workshops that can help them improve their technical skills.
  • Regular Check-Ins:
    • Schedule periodic check-ins to address multiple questions at once rather than responding to every query immediately.
  • Use Humor and Appreciation:
    • Light-hearted humor can ease tension when setting boundaries.
    • Express appreciation for their trust in your technical knowledge.

Remember that while helping family and friends with technical issues can be rewarding, it’s essential to balance assisting them and maintaining your own well-being and personal time.

This article provides additional insights into achieving work-life balance. You may also be thinking, ‘hey, with all the technical support requests, maybe there’s a cybersecurity job for me.’ see our article with 25 ways to pivot into cyber.

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